Hello everyone I was looking at global IPv4 table and saw some strange entries from AS1. As per ARIN whois AS1 seems to be with Level3 but I noticed few prefixes of Brazil based ISP - Netvip http://bgp.he.net/AS1#_prefixes Looking at any prefix in detail, it seems like there are multiple ASNs announcing same prefix. E.g - is being announced by AS1 as well as AS52931 (Netvip's allocated ASN). Same is true with, so on. http://bgp.he.net/net/ So seems like AS1 acting like a mirror for all announcements of AS52931. To see who exactly gave "transit" to AS1 by Netvip in Brazil, I checked Oregon and noticed these routes: 3356 3549 16735 52931 1 i Seems like AS52931 itself is acting as transit for AS1 (and AS16735 which seems like a backbone ISP in Brazil) is not filtering these routes further passing to Level3 (AS3549+AS3356). I am curious to know what could be possible reason for an ASN like AS1 acting in exact mirror of AS52931? Could it be a case of internal use of AS1 (assuming it to be private ASN)? May be it's a case of leaked internal routes? Appreciate your time & answer. Thanks. -- Anurag Bhatia anuragbhatia.com Linkedin <http://in.linkedin.com/in/anuragbhatia21> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/anurag_bhatia> Skype: anuragbhatia.com