29 Jul
29 Jul
7:33 p.m.
We have some DDoS-sensitive customers asking us to refer them to the best ISPs for "in-the-core" DDoS defense. Other than UUnet (hi Chris!) and MFN, I'm not aware of any ISPs in North America developing a reputation for consistent DDoS defense. Could folks contact me either off-list or on-list? It seems that large content providers and Tier2/3 bandwidth buyers would do well to collaborate on group RFP's for this type of thing to send the message to ISPs it is something to invest in (dare I say productize?). While UUnet's detection/blocking is great, it would be wonderful to see some more intelligent filtering of DDoS traffic ala RiverHead or similar approach that doesn't completely blackhole victim IPs. Cheers, -Lane Equinix