On 1/3/21 12:11 PM, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Yup; it's messy, and in many many different ways. Won't be a snapshot rollout. Not a bad idea, though, if implemented correctly; time to dig out my notes, I guess. Is there a reason not to use an outbound tcp/quic connection? It was unthinkable years ago to use TCP with DNS, but now we have DoH and the world hasn't spiraled out of control. Heck if you made it a websocket you'd have a built in channel for multi-media html, etc. That is, just
From: "Michael Thomas" <mike@mtcc.com> To: nanog@nanog.org On 1/2/21 10:31 PM, Jay R. Ashworth wrote: push a URL down and fire up a webview that the OS makes certain is in focus. Well, TCP means that the servers have to expect to have 100k's of open connections; I remember that used to be a problem.
As for D'oH, sure; let's centralize the attack surface.
The only reason I bring up DoH is because now there are tcp connection when the day before there were none. I haven't noticed any difference since firefox turned it, so they obviously figured out the scaling. Mike