At 06:51 PM 4/27/99 -0400, Becki Kain wrote:
Personally, I'm glad it was posted. I have a friend who has two servers at abovenet and they were not told, and definatly not 3 times, what the cause of the downtime was. I realise it is one of the hazards of co-location of your servers, not to be able to run to it, but still would be nice to know it wasn't your machines that were down.
In Above.Net's defense, and without making any comment on the cause or the fix of the problem, I can vouch as a "disinterested party" that three separate messages went out the tech list @ regarding this issue. Perhaps your friend is not correctly registered on the contact list or something? Additionally, without commenting on the cause or the fix or even Above.Net's network, I must say Above.Net does a good job of trying to keep their customers informed. I've seen notifications for things which might not have been noticed by customers - things other providers might have tried to sweep under the rug. TTFN, patrick I Am Not An Isp - ISPF, The Forum for ISPs by ISPs, <> "Think of it as evolution in action." - Niven & Pournelle (No, I still don't have enable.)