On 2003-08-15-12:11:18, Adam Rothschild <asr@asr.org> wrote: [...]
On a related note, 25 Broadway (TELEHOUSE "Broadway Center") has been on generator power since around 4.15PM EST yesterday [...]
To clarify, the TELEHOUSE facility inside 25 Broadway is in generator power. Other building tenants, such as Deloitte Touche and Neve Yerushalyim, are still without power. Last I heard, 111 8th Avenue (and nearby facilities, including Chelsea Markets and the Level(3) "Mondo Condo" on 10th Avenue?) is also without utility power, but doing ok on generator for the most part. MFN sent this out: "As a result of the major power outage in New York and other cities, our generator system at LGA1 (NY1) is experiencing heating issues. Critical loads are currently running on UPS systems alone. We are working aggressively to get the generator system repaired, and believe we will be able to do before the UPS systems loose their capacity. We do have several hours with which to work, and do not believe that this situation will become customer affecting, however it does have the potential to become customer affecting." I'm not sure how accurate the "several hours" figure is. Presumably they have a large battery plant, or a lot of empty racks... -a