On Tue, May 08, 2001, Adrian Chadd wrote:
So, how about we get imput as to the best English-Japanese translation service online, and then *cough* attempt to standardise on contacting chinese networks this way?
Why not decide on a workable message and have it translated by a competent Chinese translator first? Something such as the following: Dear <Abusive Autonomous System>, The following unsolicited email apears either to have originated on and/or traversed your network, or to have come from a client of yours. If you simply have an open mail relay, please fix it. Please look into this. (and give us our plane back!) Regards, <insert_name> Aside from the plane crack, you get the idea. Do a little work up front for the Big5/SJIS encoding. Think about it, those that deal with abuse@yourhardworkingcompany.net are often either overhead or are trying to deal with spam while also doing a fulltime job. Translating email mesages is a pain and most people would rather not bother. So, any takers to translate the above message, or some other appropriate message, into Chinese and/or Korean and post it somewhere publicly available?[1] off to ride my flying pig, Paul LANtinga -- again, my opinions (even if they are wrong;) [1] the paranoid cells in my brain tell me that this would be a perfect opportunity for a real chinese attacker to burn us by posting something in Chinese that was inflammatory and the like.