On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 21:48:06 -0400, John Curran <jcurran@arin.net> wrote:
Both techniques indicate more than 20% of the US Internet users are connecting via IPv6.
Interesting method that's full of holes (and they know it), but it's data nonetheless. Globally, it's still ~4.5%. Within my own pool of providers, I'm ZERO for 5. (I've not pinged TWC-BC lately, 'tho. And no one has gotten back to me that Earthlink has provided TWC with any prefixes, so us Earthlink cable internet customers are still dark.)
(They’ve also observing a significant performance improvement with IPv6 connected users over IPv4 connected...
IPv4 tends to be NAT'd and aggressively proxied. I also wouldn't rule out v6 taking a different path, but that wouldn't explain the magnitude of difference those slides would suggest. (not really readable via youtube)