-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu
The problem he's going to hit is that he wants *my* mail server to send mail to 'fred@example.com' to get routed to the MX in San Fran where Fred is, and *my* mail server to send mail 'johann@example.com' to get routed to the MX in Geneva where Johann is, and avoid having a central MX that then does routing.
And basically, he's screwed, because the MX lookup is only based on the RHS of the target address. AT *best* he can deploy a @NN.example.com and have different MX entries for US.example.com and FR.example.com and so on (but he already said that's a suboptimal).
Valdis has present the situation perhaps better than I did in my original post. The replies have confirmed my thoughts, but I wanted to probe the brighter-minds-than-mine that exist on this list. The women in my life expect me to read their minds...with the RFC's I'm based on, it should be easy for DNS to read mine. Andrew (morphs nicely into Anscrewed)