No, started using an IP address that hasn’t been used since we got the range from Arin, and got this - 554- (RTR:BL) Tried to contact AOL through normal channels, and no response in over a week. Feedback loop has been in place for years, and we check it every day (its clean). John Zettlemoyer From: Bill Patterson [] Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 3:46 PM To: John Zettlemoyer Cc: Subject: Re: AOL Postmaster Did you suddenly start getting "AOL will not accept delivery of this message" bounce backs? On Feb 23, 2015 3:30 PM, "John Zettlemoyer" <> wrote: Could someone from AOL who deals with the email systems please contact me off-list. Thank you. John Zettlemoyer WCiT LLC 856.310.1375 x221