NANOG don't need no stinkin' glossary, everybody knows what our alphabet soup means. Getting a file by bittorrent will always be faster and stress the network less than downloading it by FTP or HTTP. The best wide-area network topology is exactly the same as that used by the Bell network of decades ago. Corollary of the above, the best back-up route between San Francisco and Los Angeles in the event of a fiber cut in San Jose is Chicago or Virginia, not Fresno or Bakersfield. The only way to provide Metropolitan Optical Ethernet is to install a Cisco router that costs over one million dollars. Distance does not matter. Serve your site from California or Virginia, and it will work in the panhandle of Oklahoma or the Australian outback just as well as a closer location would. Fiber is just too fast, all networking should be wireless. No traffic is ever wasteful, just get bigger pipes and all problems will be solved.