Matthew Kaufman writes about the Ames FDDI ring saturation:
What I don't understand is why that has _stayed_ saturated... it seems to me that some of the big players would have rerouted their traffic by now to avoid subjecting it to this, which would also have the side effect of causing the problem to, at least for the short term, go away.
...or why MFS hasn't installed a Gigaswitch there, or whatever. We're seeing 20% - 30% packet loss through AGIS to MCI and Sprintlink during the day, and it's not fun.
... and the major contributors to this traffic must be getting complaints from their own customers about how their packets are being routed via a lossy interchange point.
As a customer, I've complained to my contributor. But I get the impression that everyone thinks it's everybody else's problem. Who's really responsible? And why did it have to get this bad? Peter Kaminski, NanoSpace