13 Oct
13 Oct
7:10 p.m.
At 14:27 13/10/99 +0000, you wrote:
semi-operational: in the event that path inside a SONET ring switches from active to protect and back, etc...does this generally show up on a a router as a series of errors, an interface bounce, or not at all?
in the case of you using a circuit (T1, DS3, ATM, ..) which your carrier transports over SONET, the best you'll see is a lost packet or ten. (the actual switchover time is fast; the amount of data lost is dependent on the distance of the hop -- light 'in motion' is not recoverable). in the case of you using a POS interface or similar, you may get APS notification, providing the ring that has failed is on the same element as you. cheers, lincoln.