I mentioned some of the thread re: on portmaster-users because there seemed to be an implication that Livingston's Portmaster had a problem in its PPP implementation. Now I get a question that I don't know enough to answer. Perhaps one of you could help this fellow.... ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 17 Apr 95 21:37:38 CDT From: Kevin Sears x3-5160 <searsk@iscmed.med.ge.com> To: portmaster-users@msen.com Subject: SNMP vs Greetings, What does SNMP and IP address have in common(seen a few postings on this topic tonight wrt Ascend ISDN routers and Netmanage's Chameleon)? I had a Sniffer on my 3.x.x.x subnet looking for a Portmaster problem when I noticed that I was getting SNMP get next requests from a device in another part of GE directed to my Portmaster on subnet 3.x.x.x with an address of My portmaster's ethernet address was in that packet(i.e. so I'm surprised. What gives? ============================== Kevin Sears Systems & Network Support Tech OnLine Center GE Medical Systems PO Box 414, m/s-W595 Milwaukee, WI 53201 Internet: searsk@med.ge.com Voice: 414-524-5160 FAX: 414-524-5305