I've got to go with Pete K. on this one. In our current, cidr-ized world, it is simply not possible for an upstream provider to determine what is, or is not, a broadcast address in a downstream network. This is something that needs to be implemented from the edge in, not from the core out. On 2-Dec-98 at 00:55, Pete Kruckenberg (pete@kruckenberg.com) wrote:
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Dean Anderson wrote:
You don't need a tool. People already have provisioning/configuration tools or are doing it by hand. Whichever is the case, just add a rule to your customers interface. You know when you configure the interface what the mask is and what the broadcast is. All you need to do is add an access list entry which applies to that customers interface.
That works fine as long as you either manage your customers' equipment or your customers don't subnet blocks you give them. However, in real-world experience, neither of those apply, especially to a larger ISP/NSP (UUNet was mentioned in this thread at the beginning).
-- Rusty Zickefoose | The most exciting phrase to hear in science, rusty@cw.net | the one that heralds new discoveries, is not | "Eureka!", but "That's funny ..." | -- Isaac Asimov