The "myth" that I've heard relates to links. From the comments on Matt's blog: "500 sites under the same IP interlinked in some way will provide the same benefit as 500 sites on uniques similarly interlinked all other things held constant?" The answer to this question almost has to be "no." A site with hundreds of links from the same IP should not be treated the same as a site with hundreds of links from other IPs. If it is treated the same, scientology-style fake links will proliferate. If it is treated differently, then separate IPs do add value. Warren Kumari wrote:
Matt Cutts ("Matt Cutts works at the Googleplex and at his blog writes about Google, search engine optimization traps and whatever comes to his mind") has just responded on his blog: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/myth-busting-virtual-hosts-vs-dedicated-ip-add...