On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 5:05 PM, Job Snijders <job@instituut.net> wrote:
There are, of course, corner cases. But in general, single-homed people shouldn’t be using BGP.
There are numerous reasons to use BGP when single-homed:
- as preparation to multi-home in the (near) future - ability to quickly change providers - to use BGP based blackholing features - to save time on provisioning work (adding new prefixes becomes a matter of just announcing and updating IRR/RPKI). - loadbalanacing / loadsharing across multiple links - ability to use bgp communities for traffic engineering
In other words, if you have your own IP space, I'd recommend to get your own ASN and use BGP.
I concur with Job. If you are single-homed but care about having proper L3 redundancy (not just VRRP or equivalent), BGP is a must. ARIN has a policy to allow this, but it is not spelled out with an excess of clarity. I suspect it is not often used; see NRPM section 5. -- Jeremy Austin