Sorry all. I misread Owen's email. I'm not trying to air his private business to the list.

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018, 8:20 PM Brad Knowles <> wrote:
On Oct 23, 2018, at 10:32 AM, Ross Tajvar <> wrote:

> I am also interested in hearing about this. I think it's relevant to the current thread.

Speaking only for myself, there are companies where I have done short-term contracts, and where I am definitely not interested in any further employment opportunities with them.  OTOH, I am totally happy to continue to be a customer of theirs.

Further discussion of that sort of thing would not be appropriate here.  If Josh is in the same boat with HE, I totally understand.

For the Network Time Foundation (and related projects), I think we've been pretty happy as a customer of HE, but then we're just a small customer of theirs.

Brad Knowles <>

Please forgive any typos.  I'm fighting a failing keyboard on my laptop, in addition to having a broken finger.