At 05:04 PM 01/13/2003 -0500, Andy Dills wrote:
Another possible reason inet-access is more on-topic is because JC's ten times more dictatorial than Susan. She doesn't care if you've been posting for 7 years, if you annoy her, you're gone unless you do what she tells you to. But I'm bitter and biased...mea culpa.
For the record: The reason you were unsub$cribed is because A) you started a flame war and B) my attempts to email you privately to discuss this (in an attempt to get the flame war to stop) were unsuccessful due to your (IMHO overly aggressive) spam filters bouncing my private email to you. If you had accepted my emails, stopped the flame war, and discussed the issue with me in private email, you would not have been unsub$cribed. And as I said before, you are still welcome to subscribe as long as you agree to follow the list policy, which includes not starting flame wars and ceasing them immediately when you are told to stop. When you elect to bounce email from the list admin at the same time you start and feed a flame war, you run the risk that you can't be told to stop and will be *made* to stop by being unsub$cribed as I will not debate this type of behavior "on the list" nor let the flame war run unchecked. The list membership expects this of the list admin, and I do my best to do a good job. Anyone who thinks I'm not doing the right thing is more than welcome to complain to Avi and offer to do the job instead. jc (the ever under-appreciated *volunteer* inet-admin list administrator)