------- Blind-Carbon-Copy to: nobody@vix.com reply-to: nobody@vix.com Subject: let's just have one mailing list Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 15:14:17 -0800 From: Paul A Vixie <vixie@wisdom.home.vix.com> why on earth do we have a nanog list that's separate from spam-list that's separate from spam-list? clearly all discussions on any topic belong on all three lists -- otherwise why would we consistently see: cc: spam-list@psc.edu, nanog@merit.edu, spam@zorch.sf-bay.org i'm receiving multiple copies of this stuff since i'm on all three lists. can't we just coalesce all three lists, and the other 20,000 mailing lists on the internet, onto one? we could call it net.general@ihnp4.uucp and just put everybody on the internet onto it. then noone would ever miss out on an interesting discussion that takes place on a list that they are not on. not being on a mailing list is clearly an error, and if someone happens to prefer not being on a list since they don't want to hear about the topic of that list, they are clearly confused since lists don't have topics, right? i'm especially worried about the fact that there is a NAIPR list for ARIN discussions and that not all NANOG messages are -- yet -- automatically CC'd to it. can the postmaster@merit.edu please automatically CC all NANOG messages to all known mailing lists to correct this obvious problem? (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.) ------- End of Blind-Carbon-Copy