The guy "cleaning up" Chinanet should be given a medal, better yet, we should ask everyone in the US who's ever been spammed from them to send in a US dollar to be forwarded to this guy....something tells me he's overworked and his job doesn't pay much....he needs to be supported in his endless endeavor..perhaps they'd hire some more to help him? When he's done there, he's got a job waiting for him forever it would appear... Shutting off sections of the Internet seems to be counterproductive to me...if this continues unabated, we will see connectivity diminish over time, and the Internet de-construct itself. At 20:38 6/20/02 -0400, you wrote:
On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Dan Hollis wrote:
On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Chrisy Luke wrote:
David Lesher wrote (on Jun 20):
The service providers are not the enemies. If you treat them like
then enemies they will become. That's right; no service provider will ever harbor spammers just to make a quick buck. It's never happened, and never will..... Name the ones that do. All of them. Name the ones that will.
There is actually a guy trying to clean up Chinanet now. @Home was my favorite example before they went Just about any of the Korean providers would be a good current example.