On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:44 PM, George Carey <george@montco.net> wrote:
The vending machine should use a card like an ATM/gift card, not accept cash. You should be able to "charge" the card with some cash via a web portal and keep the card in the facility in your space. If something is needed, one can purchase it with the card. If there is no money on the card, a person can add cash to the card via a web portal somewhere. Scenario: remote hands guy arrives on site, needs an SFP, card doesn't have enough money on it, calls me, I can add the cash to the card, he can purchase the SFP and leave the card in the space for the next time it is needed.
Actually pricing should be 8 bits, 16 bits, or maybe 32 bits for the really important stuff.
Will IANA accept netblock transfers as an exchange medium for datacenter goodies vending machine payments? ... ;-) -- -george william herbert george.herbert@gmail.com