On Sep 16, 2022, at 10:12 , John Curran <jcurran@arin.net> wrote:
On 16 Sep 2022, at 12:51 PM, Steve Noble <snoble@sonn.com> wrote:
I appreciate your response, I remember all of the discussions around this change and the positive/negative aspects of it, but it did not correct the disenfranchisement of ASN only holders who are customer and do have to pay for services which are voted on and affected by the voting.
Steve -
You are correct – while ARIN did open up the ability to vote to all IPv4 and IPv6 resource holders (as opposed to previously just “ISPs”), we did not go as far as to open up membership to ASN-only customers…
You again mis-state this sir. It was only opened up to IPv4 and IPv6 resource holders WITH CONTRACT and paying fees. Owen