Heres an interesting question Matt, maybe you can provide me with a worthwhile answer. Last night, I finally got around to registering a .org domain for my use. It took only 20 minutes from the time which I registered it, gave it my DNS servers, and paid for it, to when it was resolveable everywhere in the world. Thats *20* minutes. Why does it take NetSol 24/48/72 hours to do the same thing? -------------------------- Brian Bruns The Summit Open Source Development Group Open Solutions For A Closed World / Anti-Spam Resources ICQ: 8077511 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt Larson" <> To: <> Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 5:50 PM Subject: Removal of wildcard A records from .com and .net zones
VeriSign was directed by ICANN to suspend the Site Finder service by 0100 UTC on Sunday, October 5. We requested an extension from ICANN to give more notice to the community but were denied. We will be removing the wildcard A records from the .com and .net zones beginning at 2300 UTC on Saturday, October 4. The former behavior for these zones (returning Name Error/RCODE=3 in response to queries for nonexistent domain names) will be in place by 0100 UTC on Sunday, October.
Matt -- Matt Larson <> VeriSign Naming and Directory Services