I recently upgraded to IOS 11.2(12)P and I'm having some trouble with route-maps taking. I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar incident: neighbor route-map UUNET in neighbor route-map BGS in ! ip as-path access-list 100 permit _816_ ip as-path access-list 100 permit _701_ ip as-path access-list 100 permit _1673_ ip as-path access-list 100 permit _2548_ ip as-path access-list 100 permit _3602_ ip as-path access-list 100 permit _1239_ ip as-path access-list 100 permit _6463_ ip as-path access-list 100 permit _2493_ ip as-path access-list 100 permit _174_ ip as-path access-list 101 permit .* ip as-path access-list 110 permit _2493_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _174_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _3804_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _577_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _3561_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _6453_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _2551_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _6996_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _1324_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _1_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _6347_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _6463_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _3602_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _1239_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _1673_ ip as-path access-list 110 permit _2548_ ip as-path access-list 111 permit .* ! route-map BGS permit 10 match as-path 100 set local-preference 50 ! route-map BGS permit 20 match as-path 101 set local-preference 60 ! route-map BGS permit 30 ! route-map UUNET permit 10 match as-path 110 set local-preference 40 ! route-map UUNET permit 20 match as-path 111 set local-preference 60 ! route-map UUNET permit 30 c7# sh ip bgp reg 701 * 60 0 6463 1239 701 33 i * 60 0 3804 577 6453 701 33 i *> 60 0 816 701 33 i The path 3804 577 6453 33 should have a local preference of 50 (access-list 100), not 60! (access-list 101) Path 816 701 33 is correct at 60 (access-list 111) c7# sh ip bgp reg 3561 * 60 0 3804 577 3561 10815 ? *> 60 0 816 701 3561 10815 ? It looks as though it is tagging everything as .*.. but this is odd. It tagged this route properly: * 50 0 3804 577 3561 2493 2493 8160 8160 i Anyone have any ideas?! I've done clear ip bgp xxx soft in but not clear ip bgp xxx I was running 11.2(5) before which had an route cache bug so I'm used to doing a clear ip cache after each reload. Did that too, and nothing. -- Regards, Jason A. Lixfeld jlixfeld@idirect.ca System Administrator [L5] jlixfeld@torontointernetxchange.net --------------------------------------------------------------------- TUCOWS Interactive Ltd. o/a | "A Different Kind of Internet Company" Internet Direct Canada Inc. | "FREE BANDWIDTH for Toronto Area IAPs" 5415 Dundas Street West | http://www.torontointernetxchange.net Suite 301, Toronto Ontario | (416) 236-5806 ext 18 (T) M9B-1B5 CANADA | (416) 236-5804 (F) ---------------------------------------------------------------------