Speaking on Deep Background, the Press Secretary whispered:
Hopefully we are the type of organization considered to be somewhat clueful but we have yet to figure out how to get Arin to remove our swip info from a former customer's netblock. It has been years, many many times filling out their forms and more emails then I can count. It was less work to get my /18 assigned then to convince them that I would like my information removed from a /24 that belongs to someone else. :/
And of course these are the kind of (ex)customers who like to get and keep viruses resulting in a continuing effort to get our name off their block.
It's unfortunately too true that often the only way to deliver a clue by four is with paper headed by: UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Us Plaintiff, v. Them Defendant. or your local equal. -- A host is a host from coast to coast.................wb8foz@nrk.com & no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433 is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433