On 2011-May-11 16:39, William Astle wrote: [..]
I think the above two points illustrate precisely why so many networks in North America simply cannot deploy IPv6 whether they want to or not. We simply cannot obtain IPv6 transit from our upstreams. It's just not available. And the old line about "vote with your money" doesn't work when you have limited choices.
And you have just found out why transition technologies exist. They are called 'transition' for a reason: during the time that you cannot get (proper) native connectivity you can set up a tunnel to an entity that can provide you with proper IPv6. The same way you can also set up a IPv6-only transit session with a party that is located at an IX or such you are at. Might just be to cover the time till your current transits do support IPv6. It is just a way around the problem, it might not be nice but it can work and you can get ready, and might get enough insight on why not to use that organization any more who is causing all the feet to be dragged. Greets, Jeroen