Any flames sent my way will be accepted graciously -- but they won't change my opinion. Adam McKenna wrote:
| The Vixie cluster of companies---Vixie Enterprises, Nominum, Vayusphere, | PAIX, M.I.B.H. (swalloed by Metromedia), etc.---is already doing its | best to make money off BIND. They give us configuration problems and | then sell support services; they give us reliability problems and then | sell backup services; they give us security problems and then sell early | access to security information.
Frankly - and this is my own opinion here as I have no formal association with Paul Vixie or any of his business enterprises[0] - this isn't fair. All software has bugs. Period. I have a particularly strong dislike for Microsoft, but they certainly do not have a monopoly on bugs. Any decent-sized software project will have bugs pop up from time to time. WRT Config issues: Hello, people... this was a major-version upgrade... it behooves you to do what I am going to do as soon as I am ready to upgrade, and test out all of your zones on another machine before deploying on the production boxen. I understand that many of you are running a significantly larger number of zones than I am. I do not think, in most cases, that that would preclude testing before deployment. Many -- MOST (probably "almost all") -- of you have far more extensive experience running your own pieces of the Internet than I have running mine, and y'all should know better. (As should a couple of the Monks on alt.sysadmin.recovery who were complaining about problems upgrading.) I suspect Dan'o knows better, too. [0] <disclosure type="full">I am providing two dns servers running slaves for and I run MAPS's rbl-nominate mailing list. I am doing these things as favors to friends who work, or have worked, for MAPS. MAPS and I don't have a formal agreement WRT providing these services.</disclosure> -- Steve Sobol, BOFH, President 888.480.4NET 866.DSL.EXPRESS 216.619.2NET North Shore Technologies Corporation JustTheNet/JustTheNet EXPRESS DSL (ISP Services) Proud resident of Cleveland, Ohio