On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 05:41:01PM -0400, mike harrison wrote:
Whats funny is I got 2 private emails from BellSouth engineering types that did not know they were being installed in this region.
Come on, isn't that just a slightly ludicrous remark? ;)
Funny enough BellSouth is a huge company (somewhere beyond 100k employees if I remember correctly) and IP geeks in the ISP part of the company many
Hey.. I was not dis'ing BellSouth (for a change), it was just funny that they did not know they were being used. Yes, I know BS is a very big company, I have even done a few sub-contract jobs for them and have friends at BS. It's a bit like the Catholic Church: it's a wonder something that big works so well, let alone at all (that was a complement). But after reviewing all of the wonderful techno-jargon going around, I have come to the conclusion that the same thing applies towards 2 wire/4wire T1's as applied to many technowonders we work with. My summary: "Depending upon the LEC, Engineer for that circuit, equipment used, and evaluation of facilities available for each circuit, and available vendors hardware (PairGain/ADC...) at that moment, as well as other variables, there exists a plethoria of options for providing what various routers see as a standard ESF/B8ZS T1 at their interface. What matters is they see it and it works." --Mike--