On Wed, 19 Jan 2022 at 15:50, Scott Weeks <surfer@mauigateway.com> wrote:missed that like they miss things when talking about our stuff?
If you're a small pacific island nation state with a limited budget, and a working submarine cable, maintaining a SCPC geostationary satellite service that might be $20,000 a month (on 36-60 month term) in transponder kHz may seem like a very large ongoing expense.
Ideally it would be possible to keep a backup circuit operating in a very narrow section of kHz during normal times. Along with the contractual ability to significantly expand it on demand, but more capacity on the same satellite/same polarity without physical reconfiguration of the remote end earth station may not always be possible.
Digicel just got them back online via sat:
Digicel reconnects Tongan users via satellite to rest of the world
"Telco handing out free SIMs to let people reconnect."
"Digicel said on Wednesday night it successfully re-established international communication with its Tongan network thanks to a satellite link."
"A preliminary technical fault investigation has established that there are two separate undersea cable breaks. The first between TCL cable landing station Sopu, Tongatapu, and FINTEL cable landing station in Suva, Fiji," Digicel said.
"The international cable break is approximately 37km offshore from Tonga. The second cable break is on the domestic cable which is near the area of the recent volcanic activity."