It appears to be caused by an someone replying to all, instead of just the originator of the message. Since most of the recipients were role accounts under a ticketing system, the auto-responders took over, creating an interesting loop; It provides a good reason why an auto-responder should strip out the Cc: when sending a response. The original message is below, although I still question its intent. Please don't reply to the message if you receive it, it should die out. Joe
Hello, my name is Jim I am the Transport NOC Manager at ICG Telecommunications. I would like to know if you will be working under a moratorium during the holidays? I am also interested in building a solid working relationship between our departments. Please respond with contact information so that we can begin working together.
Jim Meslovich NOC Transport Manager W Ph. 303-414-8087 Pager 303-826-6931 Cell 303-915-6344
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Joe Abley wrote:
On Monday, Nov 25, 2002, at 22:31 Canada/Eastern, Randy Rostie wrote:
We received the following email, with an incredible number of email addresses in the cc: field. We did not even get the original message. Maybe someone has a virus on their computer?
Maybe someone forwarded all the addresses to a public mailing list which is archived on the web in multiple places, and the addresses got harvested by spammers?
Oh well, if not, I'm sure it will happen shortly.