The utilization of your network is something that you should address in your AUP. If your clients accepting the license agreement on their network/peer-to-peer software interferes with the operation of your facility or bandwidth then perhaps it's time to sit down at the drawing board again. You aren't maintaining anybodies distributed server farm. You're maintaining the infrastructure that your clients pay you to use, and they're allowing this application to function in the manner described in plain english within the license agreement. wrote:
<grouch> Maybe ISPs and carriers can file a class action suit against these guys for something. I wanted to run a network, not manage someone else's distributed server farm. </grouch>
-----Original Message----- From: Craig Holland [] Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 6:35 PM To: Nanog@Merit. Edu Subject: Stealth p2p network in Kazaa and Morpheus?....
This was news to me, so I'm passing it along. Sorry if it's spam. Checked the archives, and didn't see anything to this affect.
<watch the wrap> 2p _network_hides_inside_kazaa