--- Jared Mauch <jared@puck.nether.net> wrote:
I think you're missing that some people do odd things with their IPs as well, like have one ASN and 35 different sites where they connect to their upstream Tier69.net all with the same ASN. This means that their 35 offices/sites will each need a /32, not one per the entire asn in the table.
No, that's an argument for a /32 and a bunch of /48 allocations heard by a single provider, who's getting paid to carry them, but are not advertised to the rest of the Internet.
And they may use different carriers in different cities. Obviously this doesn't fit the definition that some have of "autonomous system", as these are 35 different discrete networks that share a globally unique identifier of sorts.
Well, wait a minute - what would these people do TODAY? Some build tunnel backbones, some use one ASN per city, some do "allowas-in" or other things of that nature. I would venture to say that most medium to large enterprises don't use straight-Internet with no VPN of any kind to support their enterprise backbones anymore, simply for security reasons. My argument still stands - if having an ASN is equated with having a routable netblock, then each of those cases results in the enterprise being able to pass packets, and only the "one ASN per city" approach requires multiple netblocks. -David David Barak Need Geek Rock? Try The Franchise: http://www.listentothefranchise.com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com