At 07:43 09/05/01, Craig A. Haney wrote:
Here is an article in a local publication about the local CATV service. The local county government is getting involved.
According to reporting by The Washington Post, the issue is essentially outside the scope of the Fairfax County government. While they took notes and listened to constituents, like clever politicians, The Post reports no substantive action by the county against Cox/RR is being contemplated. As others have noted, this CATV system is nearly all copper coax, with very little fibre (essentially no fibre in the ground as of the date that Cox bought the system from MG). MG was even using (unlicenced) microwave links to connect several different parts of the county together, which caused some rain fade on the CATV video service in bad weather. Cox has announced an effort to convert the system from a dual-330MHz all-copper system into a single-cable HFC system over the next N years. Ran