23 May
23 May
10:40 a.m.
Hello All: NANOG 52 in Denver is fast approaching. If you're planning on attending and want to get the benefits of the NANOG room rate, you should consider signing up as soon as possible. We're at 85% of our room block capacity and the cutoff date for the NANOG rate is May 29th at 5:00 PM Denver time (GMT -6). For more information please see http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog52/index.php. Regards, Mike -- Michael K. Smith - CISSP, GSEC, GISP Chief Technical Officer - Adhost Internet LLC mksmith@adhost.com w: +1 (206) 404-9500 f: +1 (206) 404-9050 PGP: B49A DDF5 8611 27F3 08B9 84BB E61E 38C0 (Key ID: 0x9A96777D)