Hey: Manually speaking, you can always telnet to route-views.routeviews.org which is a restricted Cisco interface. Log in with username "rviews" and don't enable. From the prompt you can do all the "show ip bgp" commands you need to see whether or not your /24 is being announced via your upstream providers. As an example 'sho ip bgp x.x.x.x' where x.x.x.x is your /24. You should see the announcement originating from your AS over multiple providers that includes both of yours. If not, you know you have a problem. Mike -- Michael K. Smith - CISSP, GSEC, GISP Chief Technical Officer - Adhost Internet LLC mksmith@adhost.com w: +1 (206) 404-9500 f: +1 (206) 404-9050 PGP: B49A DDF5 8611 27F3 08B9 84BB E61E 38C0 (Key ID: 0x9A96777D)
-----Original Message----- From: Dave Pooser [mailto:dave.nanog@alfordmedia.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 10:53 AM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: BGP noob needs monitoring advice
Earlier this year I got a /24 of PA space, set up our shiny new router, got BGP working with both my upstreams, and heaved a sigh of relief: "I'll never have to think about THAT again!" (Okay, quit laughing; I SAID I was a noob!)
Now, I discover that one of my upstreams quit announcing our route in November (fortunately the provider who assigned us the /24, so we're still covered in their /18) and the other upstream apparently started filtering our announcements last week. I'm working with both of them to get that fixed, but it's made it clear to me that I need to be monitoring this.
My question for the group is, how? I can and do monitor my own router, and I can see that I'm receiving full routes from both ISPs. I am capable of manually accessing route servers and looking glass servers to check if they're receiving routes to me, but I'd like something more automated. Free is nice, $$ is not a problem, $$$$ might become a problem.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions. -- Dave Pooser Manager of Information Services Alford Media http://www.alfordmedia.com