On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 1:15 PM, Nick B <nick@pelagiris.org> wrote:
Having worked for several departments like this, I can assure you her flustsration was not about her "inability to hire competent people" or "the lack of her superiors to prioritize the modernization project". Unless you have worked for the Federal Government it's almost impossible to understand the mindset - Politics is job #1, Office Politics is job #2, "doing your job" is not a priority. The issue here was 100% looking bad - the worst possible offense a political appointee can commit. Firing this one person is pointless, she's one of 1,000,000 clones, not a one should be employed. I wish I had some simple solution, but I don't, it's going to require years, probably decades, of hard work by a motivated and skilled team. Also, a stable of unicorns.
Mmmm, most people (gov or private) do their jobs - the problem seems to be policy makers and getting money for things that no one is going to see (security). This has been a well documented issue in the private but idk anyone has realy said how bad gov is (I'd suspect worse than public at this point). My point was that idk you can blame someone for not implementing security in a place that big w/in 2 years. I'd've liked to have seen a roadmap, but I don't suppose you want your attackers to know that, so...