Once law enforcement is effective enough to prevent the average criminal from having access to firearms, then the law-abiding population can be compelled to disarm.
That day is coming through US force as "Operation Gun Runner" from the ATF allowed Mexican drug cartel straw purchasers to come in, purchase 5 or so AK-47 rifles, and when the gun store owner had suspicions about not selling it - the ATF told the owner to "let the guns walk" so the group could track down the weapons. Unfortunately, those weapons were used to kill a DEA agent in Mexico and a Border Patrol agent who was only armed with bean bag rounds in his shotgun then died trying to cycle out those rounds to put in live rounds. Also with al-CIAda patsy Adam Gahdan inaccurately reporting in his latest video to other jihadists about purchasing "automatic weapons" from gun shows, I believe the ball is rolling for everyone in the United States to be disarmed through force by new legislation to outlaw weapons. I do not think the average gun owner would ever disarm because the gun culture in our country is so deep and passionate in any freedom loving citizen's blood. The Second Amendment, in my opinion and most gun owners agree with, was put in the Bill of Rights for the average citizen to remove tyrants if the process of democracy does not work.
At present, the average criminal in my area does not have firearms, and so I do not own one. Gun crime is on the increase, however, so this situation may change.
Better get one before it's too late :-) -- --C "The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them." - Sir William Clayton