On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Henry Yen wrote:
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 02:56:20AM +0000, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
Not horribly on topic, but perhaps there is a united.com person listening:
www.united.com's NS servers are - dns01.uls-prod.com. dns02.uls-prod.com.
whois and "dig +trace" show that www.united.com's servers are now: dc1lbs1.uls-prod.com dc2lbs1.uls-prod.com
maybe the dns changes were recently made and are still "in-flight"... (ducks)
i don't think so, the united.com domain was those two earlier today, with www.united.com NS from dns01/02.uls-prod.com ... though I've seen this situation change some throughout the day as well with the dcXlbs1 boxes in the mix as well. Asking direcly from dns01/02 gets you records for SOME things but not others and servfail 'often' for www.united.com. Someone else pointed out that this is not a 'new' situation and has been the case for about 3-4 weeks so far... their POC's on the domains: united.com ual.com uls-prod.com are all invalid/dead/not-answering... perhaps someone will be watching nanog, perhaps they will continue to be busted :( Oh well.