On Wed, Jan 21, 1998 at 04:41:17PM -0500, Dean Anderson wrote:
If I am paying you to carry packets, you have an obligation to carry them. Blocking some of them is illegal. (ala AGIS). Every packet that goes through your network is paid for by one of your customers, one of their customers, and so on.
And how do I... or how does the company I work for.. have an obligation to some spammer on a different ISP, if he is spamming NACS.NET? There's no contract there, nor is there any payment. I still don't think you're a spammer, but you sure do sound like one.
to deliver something you handed me for delivery. Or are you suggesting mail servers should deliver mail without determining who it is for?
Nope. Thats service observing. Illegal.
and you can cite laws or legal precedents that support your position, I'm sure.
If I review the content of your message, and then make decisions about who gets to read it (as opposed to discarding it), then I am intercepting, and reprehensible.
And crimminal.
see above.
You are obligated to carry the packets you are paid to carry. You may not look at their contents other than for incidental reasons, such as routing and delivery. (and correct routing and delivery.)
I, as ISP X, am not obligated to carry any packets from ISP Y unless ISP Y is a downstream client of mine with a signed contract. Find me a judge who says otherwise and I'll believe you.
But don't take my word for it. Look at Cheswick and Bellovin on page 205. They say the same thing.
Irrelevant in most cases. -- Steve Sobol - sjsobol@nacs.net NACS FAQ: http://www.nacs.net/support/faq Maintainer of the NACS.NET Tech Support Site at http://www.nacs.net/support DNS guy, Postmaster, "Web Dude", and AUP Person/Spaminator (T.I.N.C.) 128K ISDN. Flat rate. $37.50 per month. You know you want it, so why don't you call me? 216 619-2000, 1-888-273-NACS. "Operators are standing by!" :)