On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:21:36AM -0700, Cameron Byrne wrote:
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 10:54 AM, <bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 09:42:50AM -0700, Cameron Byrne wrote:
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:20 PM, George Bonser <gbonser@seven.com> wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: Christopher Morrow > Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 9:49 PM To: bmanning Cc: NANOG Subject: Re: IPv4 sunset date revised : 2009-02-05
(now I'm teasing.. .Bill where's your docs on this fantastic new teknowlogie?)
I found it here:
But the readme is a bit confusing:
Trying to figure out how they map a /70 v6 prefix to a /30 v4 prefix assuming the mapping is to be 1-1
Right, 1 to 1 does not solve any IPv4 exhaustion problems.
ah... but the trick is to only need enough IPv4 in the pool to dynamically talk to the Internet. Native v6 to Native v6 never has to drop back to the Internet, It uses native v6 paths. So the larger the v6 uptake, the fewer Internet addreses you'll need to keep around in your pool.
Going back to the title of the thread, IVI does not help you sunset IPv4 since the same amount of IPv4 is required.
See above.
So works, just not at a large scale. For larger scale, you need address sharing like NAT64.
depends on your definition of "large" scale. for cernet2 --- "The grid over IPv6 covers 20 universities distributed in 13 cities, and the aggregation capability is high above 15 trillion time/sec, and the storage capability above 150TB." "CNGI-CERNET2 backbone runs IPv6 protocol and connects 25 PoPs distributed in 20 cities in China with the speed of 2.5Gbps/10Gbps. Meanwhile, the transmission rate of Beijing-Wuhan-Guangzhou and Wuhan-Nanjing-Shanghai is 10Gbps. Each PoP provides the 1Gbps/2.5Gbps/10Gbps access capacity for the access network. "Since the opening in 2004, CNGI-CERNET2 backbone has connected more than 200 IPv6 access networks of universities and R&D institutes in China, supported technical trials and application demonstration, and provided excellent environment for world-wide next generation Internet research." So, yeah... for these smaller, regional networks, its a good fit. For you big guys, you may need something else. --bill