Oops, I was corrected that HE doesn’t have IPv6 issues with Google, not sure why I had that in my head.  Cogent certainly does but something had me thinking there’s another big name that has the same problem.




From: NANOG <nanog-bounces@nanog.org> on behalf of David Hubbard <dhubbard@dino.hostasaurus.com>
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 12:40 PM
To: NANOG List <nanog@nanog.org>
Subject: Did IPv6 between HE and Google ever get resolved?


Hey all, I’ve been having bad luck searching around, but did IPv6 transit between HE and google ever get resolved?  Ironically, I can now get to them cheaply from a location we currently have equipment that has been Cogent-only, so if it fixes the IPv6 issue I’d like to make the move.  Anyone peer with HE in general and want to share their experience offlist?  With the price, if they’re a good option, I’d consider rolling them in to other locations where we have redundancy already, so the v6 isn’t as big a deal there.

