Can you paste in the output after 'boot -s' , I came across several issues while recovering Root Password, But never faced this :) On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 2:41 AM, Anurag Bhatia <> wrote:
Hello everyone!
Greetings of the day.
I am kind of (badly) stuck with multiple routers and not able to recover the root password. It's Juniper M7i. I have followed the Juniper support page as given here - strange enough that it worked with one of routers I have but failed on rest all.
I am getting stuck on Step #12. As I give "boot -s" to get into single user mode of BSD, system next asks me for root password and hence I am out of luck to get into "recovery mode". I tried pressing enter on that prompt as well but no luck. I am connecting to router via console and do have physical access to router(s).
Was wondering if someone has seen similar issues and could guide on what I am doing wrong? Most of other help pages I have seen on net have same exact steps as given on that page.
Thanks. --
Anurag Bhatia
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