Randy Bush wrote:
In the near future half the net will spend half their time wondering what happened to half their mail.
they won't have that much time to do the wondering as they will spend 90% of their time talking about it.
And while those laypeople waste 90% talking about it, of the 100% of the engineers in charge of routing, 70% will be quick to point out how offtopic this sort of a problem is, 90% of that 70% will be quick to point out the question was posted to the wrong list, 20% will have autoresponders answering. Of the remaining 30%, 20% will point to obscure RFC's not being followed as the root of the problem, and the remaining 10% will take a "Not In My Backyard Network" approach and ignore it. The thread will then offspin with a new topic "Re: This is offtopic (was What happened to my mail)" which will begin a whole new thread filled with a redundancy of "my Juniper is better than your new logo toting Cisco" -- =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1383A743 sil infiltrated . net http://www.infiltrated.net "How a man plays the game shows something of his character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey