On 8/20/2013 12:12 AM, Jimmy Hess wrote:
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
Without Google, how do you know where anything even *is*?
ask that to 20% of the world's population
Turning off Google is essentially doing a rm -rf http:// www-wide analog to rm -rf / or temporarily loss of the root directory, pending a fsck.
I disagree categorically with that. Turning off Google affects at most my use of electric maps--they still have a better setup than any of the others I have tried. I use Bing, but there are lots of other engines around--some of them a lot more honest. The scary thing to me is that since most of the medicos I see have gone to an Obamacare-compliant records system and all I see is people's backsides at their computer terminal as they use a Google dialog box for most of what they do. -- Requiescas in pace o email Two identifying characteristics of System Administrators: Ex turpi causa non oritur actio Infallibility, and the ability to learn from their mistakes. (Adapted from Stephen Pinker)