Do you really want asset management tools, or configuration management tools with asset discovery / inventory capability? Juniper supports Chef configuration management pretty extensively, and is widely used for systems management and patch management on Linux. Scales to multisite well. There are tie-ins to be able to export monitoring and alerting tool configurations based on server and network inventories, etc. There are also Puppet, Ansible, and Saltstack in this product space, slightly less well supported with Juniper as I understand it (haven't looked extensively, someone else may have better info). On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 9:10 PM Mehmet Akcin <> wrote:
Hey there
I am looking for a tool recommendation for network and server asset management which can scale in multiple sites and integrate with other platforms like nagios, librenms. Being able to do patch management is plus. Mostly linux and juniper shop
Any recommendations?
-- Mehmet +1-424-298-1903
-- -george william herbert