11 Jul
11 Jul
1:58 p.m.
Or, lets say, an automatic network monitor (ALA SNMP) that tells them when UPS power is about to run down (before the lights go out) so they can roll their generator into place. -Deepak., On Fri, 11 Jul 1997, Philip Steffora wrote:
I have a cage in the MFS Co-Lo and insisted on having a separate UPS from the main. While I never lost power today, my FDDI did go down.
This gets me thinking about the backup generator that is supposed to be online.
Why didn't the generator kick-in before the UPS went down?
Perhaps the better question is if they have a functioning generator ... Anyone from MFS listening?
At 09:15 AM 7/11/97 -0700, you wrote:
I would guess that power to the colo cages is down.