Good luck getting one from anything but and old-bell. New LECs tend to think only in terms of the switch side, since the last mile belongs to the ILEC anyway. Even the ones that know it don't want to support it, as they can't do any remote testing when it dies, requiring local "wire and cable" staff. Use old-bell terms, "dry pair" is very much a network admin's term. "alarm circuit," "off-premise extension line," (like if you had your own PBX and need another office to run off it), "series 1100" line, or maybe LADS. On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 11:08:10AM -0500, Austad, Jay wrote:
Does anyone know to go about getting Qwest or a CLEC to patch through a dry pair between two buildings connected to the same CO?
When I called to order one, no one knew what I was talking about.
-- Ray Wong