On Wed, 7 May 1997, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
On Wed, 7 May 1997, Cameo Wood wrote:
Citing "consistent and universal criticism," the IAHC announced that any service meeting financial and technical qualifications will be eligible to become a registrar. No lottery will be held.
1) URL, por favor?
2) So there will be an unlimited number of registrars? I thought that everyone meeting the financial and technical qualifications was _already_ eligible (if they applied), and that the lottery would determine which of them _became_ registrars.
Exactly as you stated. An applicant still has to be qualified as per the previous rules. It is just that after you are qualified - there is no lottery and you become part of the Council Of REgistrars.
Call me confused.
__ Todd Graham Lewis MindSpring Enterprises tlewis@mindspring.com
Hank Nussbacher iPOC member [the views expressed above belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other iPOC members]