Yes please, and super size my cross connects... I do not understand all the hubbub about the locations. It would seem to me people would be more concerned about peering policy. Isnt an open location where anyone can show up better than private peering circuits no one knows anything about. Then the only argument against peering is policy not, "ummmm we dont do private peering circuits" or "oh that would take 1yr to provision. " You show up, hand a cross connect to their router, see they have an open port... then just argue about their peering policy. That's about as good as it's ever going to get. It they wont peer you can work out a transit arrangement which might be almost as good at that location. Apparently Chris can supersize your optical connections with his fancy new gear. Oh the fly upgrades from OC3 --> OC12 right Chris? :-) dd
On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 10:38:53AM -0400, Curtis Maurand wrote: [..]
Thanks, but the choice of interconnection point affects us all whether we are big telco's or not. I would not want to dictate where and how, but having a little influence in where and how would be OK. I would want nothing more. [..]
Would you like fries with that?
-- Christian Kuhtz <> -wk, <> -hm Sr. Architect, Engineering & Architecture,, Atlanta, GA, U.S. "I speak for myself only.""