Or just register our-name. and be done with it?
Not so farfetched http://www.2idi.com Seems to me that DNS already has n+12 redundancy available. But the world is big enough to believe that perhaps 12 extra servers is not enough for everyone everywhere and that it may not be a trivial problem to figure out the right placement of those 12 servers within the topology. So, anycast provides the ability to move from n+12 to n+x. But we can not only increase the number of extra servers, we can also move them around trying to find the right number and the right places, without impacting any DNS configuration. Seems to me that anycast is a worthwhile thing and certainly justifies moving from n+12 to n+11 or n+10 in the DNS. But anycast should not be considered a replacement for the tried and tested DNS protocol redundancy. Maybe in 5 years or so, but not today. --Michael Dillon